Bespoke Certification Schemes

Assurco specialises in developing bespoke certification schemes for under-served international standards; working in partnership with industry bodies.

This approach ensures that our schemes are fit-for-purpose within their industries and supply chains. Our auditors have specific industry experience, as well as being experts in the specific standard they are auditing.

Under-served Standards

There are thousands of International (ISO), British (BS), European (EN) and other standards published and available to use.

Certification plays an important role in the compliance eco-system helping to drive engagement with standards and practical use of standards within supply chains.

There are different types of standards including:

Requirements Standards

A standard that provides a set of “requirements” is the easiest to develop a certification scheme for, as a competent auditor in that standard will easily be able to determine compliance. If your industry have a requirements standard contact us to find out how you could utilise it better.

Guideline Standards

Other standards provide “guidelines” as referenced in their titles. These become more challenging to certify as a guideline by it’s nature is optional.

However, we have successfully worked with industry stakeholders to develop a set of requirements based on the guideline standard.

In this situation we do not offer certification against the original standard itself, but instead the requirements we have developed on-top.

Often these certification schemes are delivered under a brand name rather than a standard name.

Contact us to discuss developing a bespoke branded standard for your industry.

Building Credible and Trusted Certification Schemes

Impartiality and Integrity are essential in building a credible certification scheme that can be trusted throughout supply chain.

We do this by maintaining a certification management system to well established requirements including ISO 17021-1, ISO 17065, ISO 17024, IAF MD5 and others.

We also maintain a separate impartiality committee operated to specific terms of reference which ensures they hold the certification management system to account.

Partnering with Industry Experts

Assurco partners with industry experts such as trade associations and industry stakeholders, to ensure that our assurance schemes are effective in driving improvement for the industries they serve.

Our industry partners provide the expert knowledge of their industry while Assurco brings over 20 years of experience in international standards and certification to build a robust framework for verifying and validating results.

Benefits of an Industry Certification Scheme for Trade Associations

A specialist industry certification scheme can be a great benefit for members, while driving membership enquiries from outside.

It also reinforces your association’s position as subject matter experts.

Assurco can help you build an impartial certification scheme with integrity, based on recognised international standards for certifying management systems, products and processes.

We have already worked with an associate on a similar scheme.

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