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  • Appeals may be raised by a client or other party.
  • Assurco is responsible for all decisions at all levels of the appeals handling process.
  • Those assigned roles in an appeal process will be different and separate to those who are involved in the subject of the appeal.
  • Submissions, investigation and decisions on appeals will not result in discriminatory actions against the person making the appeal.

Receiving an Appeal

When an appeal is received via written communication (email or website form most commonly), it is logged on our Appeals Register, noting key details and any supporting evidence. Please provide the certificate number the appeal relates to.

We will acknowledge receipt of the appeal and keep the appellant regularly updated with progress.

The appeal is then assigned to a member of staff who is independent of the certification auditors and certification decision maker for evaluation of the appeal and the appeal decision: The “Investigator”.

Note: This may be a member of the impartiality committee.

Evaluating Appeals

All documented information relating to the appeal will be considered in the evaluation of the appeal. 

The Investigator will be responsible for gathering and verifying all information to validate the appeal. 

Depending on the nature if the appeal, it may be helpful to interview or discuss related matters with those involved.

Making a decision on an Appeal

The investigator will review, approve and communicate the decision to the appellant. Formal notice will be given to the appellant at the end of the appeal handling process.

Integrity and impartiality will be at the heart of our decisions.  The appeal will be considered against our certification policies, processes and procedures.

The decision, and the reasons for it, will be communicated to the appellant, as well as any further actions required.

We record and track the appeal, including any decisions on what actions need to be taken, and considering previous appeals if applicable on our Appeals Register.

We will verify that corrections and corrective actions have been taken within the specified time frame, when these have been issued to the client. 

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