To provide confidence in our certification we must be, and be perceived to be, impartial in all aspects. We make all internal and external personnel aware of the need for Impartiality.
We recognise that the payment received from the client could be seen as a threat to impartiality, however payment of the required certification fees does not impact the certification decision. Those involved in the certification process receive the same payment regardless of the outcome.
All certification decisions are based on collection of objective evidence of conformity (or nonconformity) during the audit process. This is not influenced by any interested party. Client’s may use our complaints process to investigate any suspected impartiality issues.
Threats to Impartiality
Threats to impartiality are managed via the Assurco risk management programme. These include, but are not limited to:
- Self-interest, including financial incentive.
- Self- review,
- Familiarity will not influence decisions,
- Intimidation.
In addition, we recognise the governance of Assurco as part of the Clemark Group, which also has interests in other businesses, creates a potential or perceived impartiality issue. This is clearly managed via the risk management programme and the impartiality committee.
Managing Impartiality
5.2.1 To fulfil our responsibility for impartial conformity assessment activities we ensure that decisions are based on objective evidence and are free of commercial, financial and other pressures. We do this through our Impartiality Committee, who operate to our defined Terms of Reference.
5.2.2 Top management are committed to ensuring impartiality and support the Impartiality Policy.
Conflict of Interests will be managed through the Conflict of Interest Policy and [Internal] Conflict of Interest Register.
5.2.3 We maintain a Risk Management Process to identify, analyse, treat and monitor any risks to impartiality and conflicts of interest that may come from within the certification body, from activities of other people, bodies or organisations. If an unacceptable relationship is identified, certification will not be awarded. Residual risk will be regularly reviewed by top management.
5.2.4 In accordance with the requirement of ISO 17021-1 (5.2.4), we will not certify another certification body for its quality management system.
5.2.5 We will not offer management system consultancy.
5.2.6 We will not carry out internal audits for clients who we provide certification services to.
5.2.7 We will not offer certification services where we are aware there has been a previous consultancy relationship, including internal audits, in the last two years either directly with Assurco, or with personnel involved in the certification decision process.
Those involved in the certification decision process are required to declare if there is an existing or previous consultancy relationship.
We will endeavour to identify existing consultancy relationships, while maintaining a ‘Wall’ between our legal entity and other related organisations.
All queries will be referred to the impartiality committee who will have the ruling vote in accordance with the terms of reference.
5.2.8 We do not outsource the audit process to management consultancy organisations.
5.2.9 We do not market, or offer as linked, our services in association with an entity who provide management system consultancy. We will take action to correct any inappropriate links or statements to other organisations that we become aware of. This includes any suggestion that certification would be simpler, faster, easier if the client used a consultancy organisation.
5.2.10. We do not use personnel to provide certification audits who have provided management system consultancy to the same client, for a minimum of two years. This is managed through our conflict-of-interest policy.
5.2.11 We take prompt action to respond to any threats to impartiality that may arise from the activities of others.
5.2.12 All internal and external certification body personnel are made aware of the need to act impartially. See our Impartiality Policy.
5.2.13 We ask all personnel to disclose any situation known to them which may cause a conflict of interests. This is recorded into our Risk Register and used to ensure there is no threat to impartiality.